⊱ Proud artist and AFOL ⊰ 

⊱ Commissions welcome ⊰

⊱ Part of the LEGO IDEAS 10K Club ⊰

⊱ Looking for a pop of color? ⊰ 

⊱ I hope you like frogs ⊰ 

Rosa Laterem

Overview: This elegant flower specie is very similar to the rose in appearance but has some slight differences.
You can enjoy this beauty indoor or outdoor. (It’s not recommended to have one inside if you don’t like frog invasions)

Appearance: This plant, unlike the rose, does not grow in bushes but with a delicate curvy stem. Its stiff stem is more spiky than a normal rose and never has leaves. The small red flower is very bright. The juicy bright green roots secrete a slimy liquid that appeals to frogs.

Perfume: The flowers smell of sweet muffins and the roots’ secretion of aliens (what does that smell like?)

Size: The flower can grow up to 10 centimeters in diameter. This one is only a baby, it measures only a centimeter.

Recommended Pot: Any size and color, use a solid one, the roots are vigorous.

Watering: Never.

Dusting: Very often.

Soil: Well dry ABS.

Sun: Any. Caution, long time sun exposure can lead to plant discoloration!

Plant Type: Eternal, or until pillaging or complete destruction occurs.

Region: LEGO City.

Known Predators: Brick separator.