For every heart built this holiday season (until the 31th of December), The LEGO Group will donate a LEGO set to a child in need.
So when you have a minute, grab some bricks and start building! Then post online using #BuildToGive.
The theme of my hearts this year is positive messages and secret meanings. That was my goal, hearts with a purposes. But some of them are simply meant to be pretty.

“A Gift that Heals” – For those children, a LEGO set can be truly healing.

“Evolution of a Heart” – May it be a baby tile or fully developed flying heart, your heart, no matter its complexity, will make a difference!

You didn’t think you could avoid seeing a froggy heart from me I hope? Of course I was to build one, #BuildToGive is supposed to be fun! The more frog, the more fun.

Here’s also an alternative version. The mouth/throat goes higher than what I wanted for this project, but I love how it gives it a totally different personality.

I don’t like coffee… eww. But it smells and looks so good! Especially with a foamed milk motif on top! It’s was the inspiration for today’s little Build To Give heart.

“Heart Yolk” – I thought it would look good!